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How To Tell If Smoky Quartz Is Real

A simple and handy guide for you to determine whether your smoky quartz stone is genuine

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Smoky quartz is a beautiful stone that many people love for its warm, smoky appearance. If you're curious whether your smoky quartz is genuine, there are a few simple tests you can try at home.

A natural smoky quartz crystal cluster

Visual Inspection

Start by giving your smoky quartz a careful look. Natural smoky quartz usually shows variations in colour rather than a single, uniform tone. These subtle shifts in hue are a clue that your stone has been formed by nature over a long period of time.

Take note of any tiny spots or lines inside the stone, known as inclusions. In gemmology, inclusions are small particles or mineral crystals that become trapped during the stone’s formation. Think of them as nature’s fingerprint. Each stone is unique because of these imperfections. A stone with no visible inclusions or one that looks overly perfect might be a sign that it was created in a lab.

Notice the imperfections like fractures and inclusions inside a genuine smoky quartz

Also, genuine smoky quartz often has a slightly cloudy or milky appearance. This is due to natural internal features that form as the stone cools over time. If the stone appears too clear or uniform, it might not be real smoky quartz.

Try a Hardness Test

Quartz has a 7 on the Mohs hardness scale. This means that it should be able to scratch glass gently without damaging the stone. If you carefully try this test (using a small, inconspicuous spot), and the stone scratches the glass, it might be real. Remember, if you're not comfortable doing this test, you might want to ask someone experienced for help.

Feel the Weight & Temperature

Authentic smoky quartz feels heavier than some imitations like plastic or glass. When you hold it, the stone should feel cool to the touch. This cool feeling happens because natural quartz has a steady temperature compared to synthetic materials, which might warm up more quickly.

A tumbled smoky quartz with visible inclusions

Ask a Professional

If you're still unsure after trying these tests, it's a good idea to have your stone checked by a professional gemologist. It also helps to buy your gemstones from a reputable seller.

A genuine smoky quartz bracelet from unearthed gemstones mostly free of inclusions and colour variations
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